Author Topic: Re: what do you do to detoxify from mycotoxicosis?  (Read 11579 times)


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Re: what do you do to detoxify from mycotoxicosis?
« on: December 21, 2012, 10:31:01 pm »
In laymen's terms, molds produce mycotoxins. 

These substances, although unseen by the naked eye, are ingested and then enter the body through the skin, mucous and airways. 

Once ingested, mold has the requirements to colonize and spread.  In doing this, it can compromise the immune system and damage everyday processes of the body.  Mold and yeast are interchangeable only in their dimorphic state, which is often a big misconception, although both are fungi.

There has been a theory of a connection between Autism Spectrum Disorder onset and Candida Albicans in the body. 

Fungi, which include yeasts, moulds, smuts and mushrooms, are responsible for causing four types of mycotic (fungal) disease:
1. Hypersensitivity - an allergic reaction to moulds and spores;
2. Mycotoxicosis - poisoning by food products contaminated by fungi
3. Mycetismus - the ingestion of preformed toxin (toadstool poisoning)
4. Infection (systemic) - (Mycotoxicosis)
« Last Edit: December 21, 2012, 10:34:16 pm by Zibby »
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Re: what do you do to detoxify from mycotoxicosis?
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2012, 10:34:34 pm »
In the base of most of symptoms connected to Mycotoxicosis is low immune system. Any improvement of health is based on ability to properly interact of immune system with particular therapy. That requires strong immune system.

During rest time sick person body must have decent effective regeneration of energy. If in that time body?s defense system fights with EMFs than instead of gaining energy this energy will be used to this fight. This is happened with e.g. Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Hypersensitivity ? etc. 

With molds is like with yeasts. If immune system is low you can have yeast infection very often regardless of therapy you used. We had clients fighting with yeast infections for several years. They tried everything and ? infection was beak few weeks after end of next therapy. Then few weeks from Neutralizers installation yeast infections were gone for good. It is not returning problems with yeast from that time. As we know it is now few years and no any special diet is required (number of clients has the same results). The same schemas are with mentioned above chronic health problems like Fibromyalgia. Our clients were concurred them in short time.

Why? Weak body had no energy to control east population. Decent rest in protected by Neutralizers zone allows Immune System to recover and start properly controlling yeast population.

Let say that few people will eat food with molds. Most of them will be OK and some will have problems. If poisoning will be related only to digest molds than all should have the same symptoms more or less severe.

Instead molds are multiplying in weak body where immune system is enough weak to not properly react.

So the first task is to improve immune system. That can do set of Neutralizers. Minimum is one Neutralizer for protection from below, suggested is set of two Neutralizers from protection from below and from above and recommended is set of four Neutralizers for total protection of home.

Now we can enhance functionality of whole body. This is required for intensification of self deface against molds invasion. Here is Personal Pendant ? Peace Ball. This device will use broad spectrum of magnetic pulses penetrating whole body to activate self regeneration mechanism in each organ and in each cell.

Last but not least is regeneration of damage organ (like liver, brain, kidney ?). Here we have specific version of Peace Disk especially design to do this job. 
Albert Einstein astounding theory of relativity
and his discovery of the quantum have not
achieved a common explanation even today