Author Topic: I would like to use Neutralizer to stop dampness in the walls of buildings  (Read 11711 times)


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Let me explain:
dampness in walls comes from the ground due to water veins em fields.

I was wandering that if this device neutralizes em fields generated by water veins it may work against dampness.
Since you designed it, do you think it may work for this purpose?
I have seen similar devices, more expensive, used at that goal, they have to be positioned 2.5 meters above floor, bot i think the principle is the same.

please look at the US patent 4635378, is it something similar?
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Re: I would like to use Neutralizer to stop dampness in the walls of buildings
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2012, 12:34:33 am »
Based on description for US patent 4635378 and your information I doubt about effectiveness of protection by mentioned in this patent device.

According to my understanding this device should be located 2.5 m above floor level (I am assuming that it means above foundation level or maybe above ground level ) Anyway in both cases it should not be very effective.


Based on physics fundamental rules protection should be between source of the problem and object of protection. It means that building in the best possible option will be protected from the level of physical device placement. Water veins are rising from below and according to my understanding they are based on electromagnetic wave expanding spherically from the center of the earth.

Now going back to your question:
1.       I approached information about sick building syndrome based on exposition to water veins years ago. From my research this is quite obvious. Water veins creates best environment for molds and some microorganisms as well as for number of weeds and some bigger plants and trees. It is one common factor connecting all of them together related to dampness. All of them are attracted to wet, damped  environment.
2.       In addition here is a speculation about changing surface tension of water exposed to water veins.
3.       Now about Neutralizer ? its protection zone is circular and horizontal type (Neutralizers you are interested about are AN-5CV2, AN-5CV or AN-4CV and some more). Range of protection always is adjusted to specification with accuracy 99.5%.  Effectiveness is 99.98% due to one factor ? this is physical device, not a theoretical model, so always are left behind: some capacity, resistance and conductance of the electrical circuit.
4.       As you probably know this device is self-winding ? in other words not requires any source of external power.
5.       Neutralizer is a maintenance free device with guaranteed minimum 50 years not interrupted functionality (life time warranty) with expectancy of average 20 years plus exceeding this lifespan. This is under condition of no physical damage and uninterrupted connection to grounding point.
6.       Type of protection is like a circular horizontal plate. This protection goes through any materials and structures without lose anything from original ability to protect (rock, metal, any construction materials, soil etc) -   We tested Neutralizers? protection in bank?s safe deposit box with solid 2 ft metal walls and protection through hills and mountains.
7.       Range of protection covers all possible frequencies from 10 Hz to over 300 GHz.
8.       Additional benefit in your application ? all people living in protected building will be much healthier and resting time will be very productive.

9.       On the end ? Neutralizer should be placed on the level of foundation or possibly below. Also grounding connection and Neutralizer should be protected against dampness penetration (e.g. immersed in asphalt).

On the end ? I do not see any similarity between my inventions and this patent?s description.

« Last Edit: January 21, 2013, 05:38:51 pm by Zibby »
Albert Einstein astounding theory of relativity
and his discovery of the quantum have not
achieved a common explanation even today