Author Topic: Headaches  (Read 21672 times)


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« on: August 08, 2013, 09:05:28 pm »
I had pain in lower back restricting side to side movement. My headaches would occur at least every other day. Typically there was stiffness in lower back after strenuous activity, which after some time would subside, but I was never comfortable.   After placing Peace Disk on my lower back and installing Neutralizer in my home, my lower back pains and headaches are completely gone!  I highly recommend contacting MicroAlpha?s hotline and ask for advice!  It worked for me!  Their products are a solution that must be explored in ones overall health.


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Re: Headaches
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2013, 09:43:28 pm »
      My husband and I moved into a new condominium about 10 years ago. When we first moved in, I noticed that we were having very restless sleeping patterns and waking up exhausted every morning.
     I, at first, thought that we were just not used to the house or the noise from the street outside. When we were still not sleeping well after about 6 months, I started to wonder what was wrong. I was also experiencing many migraine headaches which were causing me great pain.
     My husband met Zibby and talked with him about our problems. He came over and found Geopathic Stress very strong in our house. He installed two home Geopathic Stress Active Neutralizer units for us and the difference has been phenomenal.
     We now sleep extremely well every night and wake up rested and ready for our day. I have not had a migraine headache since it was installed which has made my life better.
     We also have installed a car unit which has made our driving trips more pleasant and relaxing; it is easier not to get frustrated with highway traffic.
     My husband and I would recommend that anyone having any health difficulties or just general unease in their homes to contact Zibby for an analysis of their home.
     A happier, healthier life is worth the call.


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severe headaches and migraines
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2013, 10:04:21 pm »
I would like to tell you a little bit about myself and my results with Microalpha products.  I am 36 years old with a wonderful husband and two children.   In 2003 I started having severe pain in my head.  I wasn?t even able to get out of bed.  I started going to the doctor after a couple of weeks when nothing (over the counter medication) was helping. 
I went through several tests, hospital visits and several different medications to try and find out what would make the constant pain stop.  I was in bed for a solid two months, not being able to work or interact with anyone.    My husband was left to take care of me, the house and the children.  After a month of testing, I was diagnosed with Cluster Migraine Headaches.  I tried several different medications for Migraines and nothing seemed to work.  I was put on Depakote; this medication is mostly taken by seizure patients and has a few nasty side-effects.  I started out taking 500 mg twice a day.  It seemed to be working for the pain but of course, with most medications the side-effects were horrible.  Along came the depression, hair thinning, fatigue, weight gain and I was very emotional.   With all these new symptoms my doctor prescribed more medications.   Before I discovered MicroAlpha products I was taking 9 different medications every morning and felt drugged all day long. 

The day I discovered Neutralizer and Peace Ball was a miracle!!  I had a neighbor who brought it.  He said it is an all natural and it couldn?t hurt.  I thought to myself, why not, I have nothing to lose.   It has changed my life forever. 

Ten months has gone by now and I am only taking 125mg of Depakote a day.  In just a few short months that prescription has gone from 1000 mg a day to just 125 mg a day.   I am now taking 2 pills a day (vs. 9) which is a multi-vitamin and the Depakote.  I now have energy to play with my children.  I coached my daughter?s volleyball team for the fall and the spring leagues and now coaching her softball team.  I never once had to call a substitute coach in for me.   I am now enjoying going for walks outside and I love to see the sunshine.   I have my life back as a wife and a mother and I have MicroAlpha products to thank for that.


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Re: Headaches
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2016, 08:04:12 pm »
My son, my husband, and I suffer from migraine headaches with intense pain.

We install home set three (3) years ago.

After a few days we had no more headaches! One day we would like to test Neutralizers and my husband disconnected them all. In less than one (1) hour both my husband and I felt a headache coming on, so we wait one (1) more hour to be sure that it is that. My husband connects them again and symptoms released almost immediately.

It has been such a relief and enjoyment to finally be able to go through the days and weeks without these devastating headaches. Set of Neutralizers for Home Protection has really helped our family!

No more Migraine and Headaches!
Best investment!
Doctors had no idea how to help us!