Author Topic: The peace ball changed my life.  (Read 10079 times)


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The peace ball changed my life.
« on: March 08, 2017, 10:40:04 pm »
I found my way to Zibby's house after finding a flyer at the nearby organic market.

I had been experiencing some strange numbness in my extremities and lips when using the cell phone and was really tired, needed lots of rest, and wasn't very energetic in my interactions with others.  (I tried those cheapie stick on products that you stick on your cell phone but I didn't notice anything.)
I've been experiencing huge improvements in my levels of energy with the peace balls and I've upgraded my own peace ball over the years.
I'm quite shocked at the difference and can't help but think how life might have been more fruitful in my early years with these products. 

I REALLY noticed the difference this product made one day when I travelled downtown in the subway (underground, in a tunnel of electricity around me) and it literally felt like my blood was restless and it felt like it was jumping about under my skin. I couldn't understand what was going on until I came home and saw my peace ball lying on the couch...I forgot to wear my peaceball that day. 

I've since bought a couple of discs that I use if I feel tender in any one area on my body.  They have a way of unblocking that I've never known could be possible.  I ended up buying the home neutralizers and use them to clear the space of any invasive EMFs.

I can't say enough about the genius of these products and I am sooo grateful that I live close enough to Zibby that I could have met him.
These products have changed my life, my moods, my energy.  I honestly am so grateful that God brought them into my life.