Hey everyone i was just wondering if my son could have ADHD he was 3 in august, my brother was diagnosed with ADHD properly about a year ago at 17.
My sons always on the go he's always jumping off things and into things he has no fear he will jump off the top of a climbing frame and the kitchen sides, he's always bumping into things his front two teeth have died from him hitting them on things and he chipped one the other day,
He went to his 2 and half year check and they said his concentration was poor and they would look into it further at his 3 year check, he dosent focus on one thing for a long time he would rather play with or do something for 5 minutes then something else would interest him.
Hes's always shouting and its like he dosent hear what im telling him, his preschool suggest i take him to get a hearing test because he is always shouting instead of speaking quietly.
Hes a bit of a handfull at the best of times
He gets frustrated really easily if i tell him off he gets very frustrated to the point he starts shaking and trying to bite me!
Theres a few other things but i was just wondering if it was a possibility at all? and at what age are children usually diagnosed??