Author Topic: Cellular Towers Total Home (apartment and room) Protection  (Read 9527 times)


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Cellular Towers Total Home (apartment and room) Protection
« on: December 08, 2018, 02:28:23 pm »
We want to protect our home form Cellular Towers radiation. How can we protect it?  Your guidance will help us to take proper decision.

We are providing total home/apartment/room or any other area EMF protection. Our products filter all incoming energy. This patented solution makes all energy from any EMF source in range from 0.1 Hz to over 300GHz harmless to any living creature (humans, animals, . . .  fish and plants).

You can use any wireless devices like cell phone inside protection zone without interruption.

There are two lines of products: Regular and Basic. All features for both are the same accept one – ability to absorb energy by Regular version is 10x of the Basic version. Basic version was designed to decrease cost of our products to be affordable for wider group of customers.

Recommendation: Regular version

You can buy whole set (Total protection set) or you can buy one by one all four devices for total protection.

In such case we suggest this order: 1 - protection from below, 2 - side protection set (set is less expensive than each device separately), 3 – protection from above.

Why total protection?

Cell tower sends signals in broad directions, also those waves are bouncing from e.g. walls plus you are expose to any others source of harmful EMFs like smart meter, Wi-Fi, wireless, power lines and power equipment. Also, you don’t know what EMF will rise in your neighborhood in future (as often happen for our customers).

In other words – we are proposing to close your home (apartment) in a “protection box”.

Prices are on our websites. If you need more information, guidance or suggestion – we are here to help.

Please check links below for more information