Author Topic: Can neutralizer reduce level of high frequency pulsating radio and scalar waves?  (Read 9585 times)


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I would like to know if your product neutralizer can reduce level of high frequency pulsating radio waves and scalar waves? Can it be a cut to that kind of waves?

Reducing those waves will not do much.  You will be exposed anyway to them. Our products (Neutralizers) make them harmless. This is more than enough to do the job.

I understand that you are more than sensitive to mentioned waves.

You should have “Total Home Protection” set
and “Personal” protection device

We are helping people with familiar to yours problems.

All other solutions are only a substitute to proper one and our customers try all of them before they use our products. Now with MicroAlpha EMF protection products they are back to normal life.

For this type sensitiveness takes from few months to a few years for total recovery depends on severity of your problems.

Also, with other semi-solutions your health will go worst in time (from our clients’ observations).

Here is the link to “semi-solutions” page