Author Topic: I don't understand how the side neutralizers work?  (Read 12898 times)


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I don't understand how the side neutralizers work?
« on: December 08, 2018, 04:10:21 pm »
I can understand the neutralizers for top and bottom, but don't understand how the side neutralizers work. 

How can it go straight out then make a sharp turn and do the other wall, and the other side neutralizer is doing the exact same thing?  You would think you would need a neutralizer for each wall, so 4 and then the top and bottom for 6 neutralizers all together.
The side neutralizers how far do they extend before making the sharp left or sharp right?  What makes it even turn in the first place – how is it programmed to extend so far then turn and go so far?

 How far do the top and bottom Neutralizers extend?


>>> Based on common knowledge you should have 4 side protection Neutralizers. Exactly it may be 3 of them (triangle configuration). With 4 you can design any 4 corners shape in the range of Neutralizers This is more expensive option.

Dual protection module is a combination of 2 AN-8SCV Neutralizers in one enclosure. In addition, all Neutralizers act based on Quantum Mechanics rules. They are different in comparison to common knowledge based on physics from school. E.g. Two colliding protection walls from two Neutralizers are not passing through each other, but they are snapping together, so walls created are protecting anything inside and not expanding outside (like a regular walls) the same is combination of the protection from above with walls and from below with the same walls resulting “box like” protection surrounding protected area.

How far do the top and bottom Neutralizers extend?

>>> It is depending on version of Neutralizer and the walls from Side Protection Neutralizers. They are not expanding behind “walls”. If they are alone it depends on version of Neutralizer (starts from radius of 6 m /19.5 ft to over 2 km). Without Side Protection Neutralizers protection of them is circular and horizontal. With side protection Neutralizers is defined by shape of the “walls”