In laymen's terms, molds produce mycotoxins.
These substances, although unseen by the naked eye, are ingested and then enter the body through the skin, mucous and airways.
Once ingested, mold has the requirements to colonize and spread. In doing this, it can compromise the immune system and damage everyday processes of the body. Mold and yeast are interchangeable only in their dimorphic state, which is often a big misconception, although both are fungi.
There has been a theory of a connection between Autism Spectrum Disorder onset and Candida Albicans in the body.
Fungi, which include yeasts, moulds, smuts and mushrooms, are responsible for causing four types of mycotic (fungal) disease:
1. Hypersensitivity - an allergic reaction to moulds and spores;
2. Mycotoxicosis - poisoning by food products contaminated by fungi
3. Mycetismus - the ingestion of preformed toxin (toadstool poisoning)
4. Infection (systemic) - (Mycotoxicosis)