Author Topic: Strange feelings  (Read 21046 times)


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Strange feelings
« on: October 13, 2012, 07:37:20 pm »
Finally you have this forum. I was waiting for it for a long time. Thanks!
Before I purchased Neutralizer I had many problems with my health. Neutralizer helps a lot.

Suddenly two months ago I start having strange feelings. The first I thought that is something wrong with my health. Doctors didn?t found anything. Those feelings sometime were stronger or weaker. I have them now too.

I feel like I am falling ? I felt like disconnected, standing near, being behind glass window. I had strange sensations including dizziness, severe headaches (I had headaches very rarely ? once a two-three years) during whole weak. I couldn't focus. I had that feeling I get after going on a roller coaster.

In addition from that time I have familiar sensations when driving a car (symptoms in the car are much stronger).

I had been tested and examined by my doctors and naturopath. They found nothing. I had excellent health.
 have Neutralizer in my home and car. I realized that outside protection zone from Neutralizer those symptoms are much stronger.

Has anyone else had this type of feeling before? ?


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Re: Strange feelings
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2012, 07:57:02 pm »
Barb, you are not alone.
I have no health problems so far. I had some headaches or migraines sometime, but I never connected them to Solar Storms or something like this.

Two months ago something changed. 
I had mild symptoms on Sunday, increased on Thursday and holding till next Monday. During day time intensity changed rapidly several times. Worst was during driving my car. 
I never had such symptoms before; also I have no allergies nor developed any sickness during and after this incident.
I wasn't dizzy and had no balance issues at all. During this strange time I was dizzy, my mind was slow like in fog,
I was on the edge of loosing balance, and also I had severe headaches.
I thought that I was sick.

Two weeks later the same happened. So far I had it 7 times. My doctor had no idea what it is. For him my health is fine.

Guys ? do you have explanation for this different that solar storms? Anyway ? is any way to be protected from these symptoms?

« Last Edit: October 15, 2012, 08:31:50 pm by Zibby »


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Re: Strange feelings
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2012, 11:26:14 pm »
As you know when you are going to have CT Scan or MRI hospital inform you on possible side effects like dizziness, balance problems, headaches or pressure, giddiness, tingling sensation, warmth, heaviness in head, dryness on tongue or in throat. All of them are related to exposition to heavy electromagnetic radiation from hospital equipment.

Solar or Geomagnetic Storm is a natural phenomenon of severe electromagnetic field manifestation.
It is a link between strong Geomagnetic Storms and human brain activity. All symptoms like confusion, headaches, dizziness, foggy brain, cognitive problems, problems with focus and concentration, balance and more could be related to Solar Storm influence on our brain. 

Solar wind (solar flares) penetration through geomagnetic protection creates such phenomena as Solar Storm.
Lastly, solar flares are a type of solar activity that can impact human life on Earth too by affecting electrical systems, especially satellites. Flares usually occur in the presence of sunspots, and hence the two are correlated, but flares themselves make only tiny perturbations of the solar luminosity.

Recently it has been claimed that the total solar irradiance is varying in ways that are not duplicated by changes in sunspot observations or radio emissions.

On their way to Earth cosmic rays encounter the Earth?s magnetic field and, if they succeed to go beyond, the atmosphere.
Unfortunately geomagnetic shielding is extremely weak and cosmic rays leaks through geomagnetic protection. Symptoms described by our customers are most likely related to this event.

Scientists suggesting that such low level of geomagnetic shielding can allow drastic increase of very dangerous cosmic radiation. This may have significant influence on all living organisms. 

We have designed and ready protection for home, car and other vehicles shielding from radiation from above. Recently we are working on slim version of Neutralizer for car protection from above.

In addition you can find more powerful version of our products especially design for protection in case of severe global natural events ? those are explained on other our site . Link to this site and to three others websites are located on bottom of the home page
Albert Einstein astounding theory of relativity
and his discovery of the quantum have not
achieved a common explanation even today


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Re: Strange feelings
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2012, 12:12:27 am »
Maybe this is solution on my problems.

Thanks Guys!


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Re: Strange feelings
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2012, 12:25:23 am »
I had recently some of this symptoms too


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Re: Strange feelings
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2012, 10:35:30 pm »
I check myself for lat week.

All my symptoms are alike described by you.

I am going to try so called ?Neutralizer? devices.

Wish me luck with them!!!


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Re: Strange feelings
« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2012, 09:55:52 pm »
I have Neutralizer for over a week. So far all symptoms are gone. I hope that for good!   


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Re: Strange feelings
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2013, 07:49:37 pm »
Hi Guys,

I am back again!

I tried Neutralizers (from above AN-4SCV and from below AN-4CV).
What they did is amazing. After so many years finally I have really good sleep. I am energized thanks to Peace Ball # 77,000 ? Wow I love it.
Great job guys!

Thank you


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Re: Strange feelings
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2014, 05:28:51 am »
Barb, you are not alone.
I have no health problems so far. I had some headaches or migraines sometime, but I never connected them to Solar Storms or something like this.

Two months ago something changed. 
I had mild symptoms on Sunday, increased on Thursday and holding till next Monday. During day time intensity changed rapidly several times. Worst was during driving my car. 
I never had such symptoms before; also I have no allergies nor developed any sickness during and after this incident.
I wasn't dizzy and had no balance issues at all. During this strange time I was dizzy, my mind was slow like in fog,
I was on the edge of loosing balance, and also I had severe headaches.
I thought that I was sick.

Two weeks later the same happened. So far I had it 7 times. My doctor had no idea what it is. For him my health is fine.

Guys ? do you have explanation for this different that solar storms? Anyway ? is any way to be protected from these symptoms?

There will effects of solar storm in coming years..Storm is getting powerful and there will be negative affects on human body.


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Re: Strange feelings
« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2014, 12:36:04 am »
Barb, you are not alone.
I have no health problems so far. I had some headaches or migraines sometime, but I never connected them to solar kits or something like this.

Two months ago something changed. 
I had mild symptoms on Sunday, increased on Thursday and holding till next Monday. During day time intensity changed rapidly several times. Worst was during driving my car. 
I never had such symptoms before; also I have no allergies nor developed any sickness during and after this incident.
I wasn't dizzy and had no balance issues at all. During this strange time I was dizzy, my mind was slow like in fog,
I was on the edge of loosing balance, and also I had severe headaches.
I thought that I was sick.

Two weeks later the same happened. So far I had it 7 times. My doctor had no idea what it is. For him my health is fine.

Guys ? do you have explanation for this different that solar storms? Anyway ? is any way to be protected from these symptoms?

There will effects of solar storm in coming years..Storm is getting powerful and there will be negative affects on human body.