Author Topic: Forums Rules, Policies and Guidelines Part 2  (Read 8078 times)


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Forums Rules, Policies and Guidelines Part 2
« on: December 26, 2016, 02:50:38 am »
Use Common Sense, Respect Privacy, Be Safe, and Do Not Post Personal Information
Do not post details of court cases.

Posting or revealing identifying details about a legal case can be used against you in a court of law.

Respect others' privacy when they are Inactive.

When or if they want to return is soon enough to reconnect.

Do not post your own or other people's identifying info or real names.

If you are under age 17, do not post your age. Post that you are a teen.

Please be safe: keep personal information private and remind your children to do so, too.

When a reader sees your names and location, it is not hard at all to discover where you live from information on local public records.

Remember that posts are picked up by search engines and may circulate on the World Wide Internet for years to be read by anyone in the world.

Be Bold To Post
If you're new to our community, taking the step for the first time to post publicly to a message board can sometimes seem intimidating.

Don't be afraid to jump into a discussion.

We have a very supportive community that serves up heavy doses of encouragement and enthusiasm.

While we hope that you'll become an active participant and join in our discussions, you're welcome, of course, to simply hang out silently until you feel more comfortable posting a message.

Use an Avatar or Profile Picture that expresses your personality; do not use your own or any person's real photograph.

The message boards are to be used Anonymously

Your username must not personally identify you elsewhere.

Usernames that are not within the rules or are deemed to be inappropriate may be changed or suspended without notice.

Common first names are OK, however, posting sur names, dates or locations can negatively affect your employment and health insurance.

Do not compromise your identity and personal information.

Edit your posts/blog if you entered compromising info.

We have no control over search engines.

Advertising Is Forbidden
Free advertising of any kind is not permitted in any place on this website, for any reason.

However, do not merely post a link to any website.

It will be deemed to be advertising.

A product or service may be named and opinion shared in one post, on one board, without any kind of contact information posted or offered.

Multiples of similar messages will be deemed to be advertising.

Do not post an unapproved website name or URL for any reason.

If a website sells anything of any kind, then it is deemed to be a commercial website regardless of its information.

This includes medical and news media websites.

Whether or not you personally or financially benefit, any kind of information in your profile, signature, blogs, or posts that name, promote or advertise

free or commercial services, resources, videos, websites, forums, blogs, clinical trials, fund raising, surveys, or products will be treated as advertisement. (See How to Share Information, for more information.)

Personal opinions and sharing MUST be respected.

Each topic board is for the people who HAVE are interested in this topic.

The boards are not place to vent or discuss dealing with others who have the board topic disease or health problem.

Tell your OWN story, not someone else's.

Reach Out Before You Feel Alone or Suicidal
If you are having SUICIDAL THOUGHTS please do not try to handle them alone.

Please feel free to talk about depression and let members here encourage you and help you discover solutions to problems.

Do not post about suicide on the boards or in Blogs as it can be triggering to readers that are already suffering.

The boards are NOT an appropriate place for posting that you want to die or to discuss suicidal thoughts, hurting others or hurting yourself.

Such posts are inappropriate and will be removed.

Do not reply to posts expressing a suicide ideation. Report those posts so they can be given immediate help.


In Canada call immediately 911 or call a hospital, local police, or contact a professional suicide counselor immediately.

In the US, American Association of Suicidology - National telephone helpline with trained counselors.


Or, in the US, immediately call 911, or call a hospital, local police, or contact a professional suicide counselor immediately.

Befrienders International - Helplines in over 40 countries, self tests, signs of suicidal thoughts.

If in UK or Ireland you may access


It's the teen suicide/depression/loneliness hotline.

National Suicide Hotline
800-273-TALK (800-273-8255)

National Domestic Violence Hotline
800-799-SAFE (800-799-7233)

National Child Abuse Hotline
800-4-A-CHILD (800-422-4453)

If you need help finding mental health services and support in your community contact: National Mental Health Association Information Center:

Accept Other Rights to Agree and Disagree
Do not criticize or attack others.

They are entitled to make their own choices.

Negative communications are inappropriate. This is not the place to post slanderous or hateful statements about anyone.

Derogatory comments especially aimed at sexual orientation, gender, race, color, religious beliefs, national origin, or DISABILITY -- are not permitted.

BEFORE you post a message that may embarrass, humiliate or harass a person or group of people, stop and THINK first!

Harassing communications are deemed to be any words that may cause distress, embarrassment, unwanted attention or other discomfort.

What is good for you may not be the answer for another.

No one must follow your advice.

NO one is to act as an expert on what is appropriate for someone else.

SUPPORT OTHERS in their health decisions for themselves.

Providing your opinion should be polite, and not result in disparaging remarks or religious discussions, or one-upsmanship. Both medical and alternative solution opinions belong on the boards.

Even if you disagree with an idea, it still may be the solution for another.

Decisions about health and well-being are highly personal, individual choices.

If you disagree with a person's post or opinion, do not debate the reply.

You may state your opinion to the topic originator, once, and then move on without argument.

Likewise, expect to get some opinions you may not like or find helpful.

If so take what you want and ignore the rest.

Do not attack members that took time to reply.

When a member asks for support only, please respect the request; do not reply with contradictory comments. 
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and his discovery of the quantum have not
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