Author Topic: What is the best treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome?  (Read 8398 times)


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What is the best treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome?
« on: December 04, 2018, 11:27:21 am »
From our blogs

CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) is based on inability to restore energy during resting time. Electro Magnetic Fields are one of the most hidden issues critically affecting our health; both man-made and natural EMFs. Typical symptoms include CHS, insomnia, depression, anxiety and many more. They are listed here

Additional factor contributing to all health problems – recently collapsed geomagnetic field. We as a human were design to be in much stronger magnetic field of the earth (4,000 years ago geomagnetic field was 200 times stronger than today). Look around – 2 – 3 decades ago people had much less health problems than today.

Low magnetic field of the earth makes us much weaker than we should be, so every organ and whole-body performance is below what we expecting. Yes, aging is blamed for it – false.
Instead of theoretical treatments like using energy boosters you should have permanent solution.
It comes in two steps.


is described on pages listed below. Check them all.
•   “A must have – minimum – configuration” – very basic set of products. Neutralizer for PROTECTION FROM BELOW surface of your home or apartment  and Personal EMF Protection Pendant – Peace Ball
•   Best protection will be achieved with combination of Total Home Protection  and Personal EMF Protection Pendant – Peace Ball
•   If you know about location of cell tower, power transformer, smart meter, source of Wi-Fi or power line near your home you should use products described in first paragraph and Neutralizer from this section – “Side Protection” (or Total Home Protection)  providing protection from those mentioned above sources of EMF.  If you don’t know – just use Total Home Protection and Personal Protection
•   Or go to “One Step” solutions for ready to go set

Personal EMF Protection Pendant in addition to help you be protected outside of your home gives you substitute of magnetic field designed to improve your body functionality.

This method helped everyone with familiar problems. It not requires to change anything in your life or remodeling your home. Also, can be use with any other treatment with no restrictions. It is not invasive and will help all people living in the same home too.

You may visit “Toxic EMFs affects Human’s Health“, “Harmful Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs)” and “EMF Controversy” to see a bigger picture.

Also, person with fibromyalgia goes back to normal life in a short time (few months depends on severity). Longest is recovery from short term memory problems. This takes around 1 year and all memory from the sickness time is recovered too. Check “testimonials
« Last Edit: December 04, 2018, 08:30:22 pm by Zibby »