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BUY EMF/WiFi Protection for: | for ROOM | for Apartment | for HOME | for LARGE HOME | Just One Solution |
Please click on the "NEXT STEP" to go to STEP 2.
Step 1 - Technical specs. (explanation is in “Large House EMF Protection” section)
AWAYS Ochrona EMF musi znajdować się między Tobą a źródłami EMF!
The MicroAlpha Neutralizer is a device that protects a large area from the negative effects of electromagnetic fields (including WiFi and natural) from any direction (determined by the specific type of Neutralizer) - from above, below or from the sides - without interfering with communications such as mobile phone transmission or data. It's like a water filter. EMF energy passing through the shield becomes harmless to any living thing.
Surround yourself with the missing link of health and vitality
MicroAlpha neutralizers.
Basic versus Regular Neutralizers
The regular neutralizer (Regular) is designed to protect everything within a specific (specified for each model) range of protection.
We divided the neutralizers into 3 groups, as you can see in the picture above.
The first group [1] is intended for protection against electromagnetic fields, including WIFI, against electromagnetic radiation "BAD_RADIATION" approaching from cell towers or antennas below the neutralizer station. The neutralizer should be located at the lowest level of the protected area (e.g. basement floor). You don't have to worry about moisture or water getting into your basement affecting the performance of your neutralizer because our neutralizers are 100% waterproof.
The second group [2] of neutralizers acts as an umbrella and protects against all electromagnetic fields, including WIFI "BAD_RADIATION" from above - from the tower or antennas (also from the "BAD_RADIATION" space), except for the cases explained below. A neutralizer from this group should be located at the highest level of the protected area (building, etc.) above your head, but below the cellular antenna or tower installed on the roof - e.g. on the roof. on the top shelf of a wardrobe or in the attic.
The third group [3] protects against all EMF electromagnetic fields, including WIFI, attacking your home (protected facility) from any side, from cellular masts or antennas (also smart meters, WiFi, etc.). This set of neutralizers act as walls surrounding your living space. You have many possible options here. We offer a set of two double modules placed as shown in the figure above in the opposite corners of the protected facility.
The neutralizer kits listed below are designed for every typical home, apartment, office and workplace. Please refer to the total area of the property you want to protect (including a basement if you have one).
You can also build Total EMF Protection step by step by adding EMF protection in a specific order:
For different configurations and their corresponding prices, please refer to the relevant section of our website or click "Click" for assistance.
Installation is very easy. Instructions are included with each product. Installation does not require any special tools. If you need more information, please click "Click" for help.
The neutralizer kits listed here are designed for every typical home, apartment, office and workplace. Please refer to the total area of the property you want to protect (including a basement if you have one).
For other configurations and corresponding prices, please refer to the relevant section of our website or contact us for assistance
Installation is very easy. Instructions are included with each product. No special tools are required.
If you need more information, please contact us for assistance.
The money back guarantee is increased:
as a response to drastic climate change in recent years.
For Peace Ball and Neutralizer - unlimited upgrades (unlimited)
For Peace Disk - no "money back" guarantee and no updates
Warranty conditions are explained here - CLICK
Exception – all neutralizers do not protect against heavy radiation such as x-rays - (gamma) or heavy particles (alpha and beta). They only protect against a wide spectrum of electromagnetic fields (from 0.01 Hz to over 300 GHz)
Total Protection - Buy it here
EMF Protection for ONE ROOM - total area below 270 sq ft. - for ONE Room (max. 16 ft. x 16 ft.) These neutralizers do not require an electrical ground connection.
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
EMF PROTECTION for APARTMENT (below 1,000 sq ft - above, use "Home EMF Protection") This These neutralizers do not require an electrical ground connection.
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
- total area below 2,500 sq ft - all floors (with basement if aplicable)
These neutralizers require an electrical ground connection.
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
- total area 2,500 to 10,000 sq ft - all floors (with basement if aplicable)
These neutralizers require an electrical ground connection.
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
Installation instruction - CLICK
Just One Solution:
Our products make all EMFs harmless allowing full recovery.Read more
Solution is described on pages listed below. Depends on your observations you should have
Personal protection and treatment:Read more
EMF protection for specific area:Read more
Benefits, Origin and ProtectionRead more
Home EMF protection:Read more
Desperate Meassures - FactsRead more
Important - Prevention, permanent protection and recovery - CLICK
Warranty | Disclaimer | Waver - Personal & Peace Disk | Waver - Neutralizer | Waver - Tablet | Waver - Pets Products
Q & A FORUM: How it Works? ... Q&A | Q&A-1 | Q&A-2 || BLOGS: #1 Global Killer - BLOG | Health and EMFs - Questions & Answers - Blog | Flora, Fauna and EMFs - Blog
References | Testimonials | MicroAlpha Video Library | Our websites |